BLMTWG Engineering Change Requests (ECRs)
BLM threshold changes are documented in Engineering Change Requests (LHC-BLM-ECR-xxx). Other technical information concerning BLM thresholds, e.g. model algorithms, are documented in Engineering Specifications (LHC-BLM-ES-xxx) . All documents are stored in EDMS (link). Links to individual documents can be found below (authentication needed to access EDMS pages):
Title: BLM threshold changes at selected arc and DS magnets for Run 3 (LHC-BLM-ECR-0073) Run 3
Equipment: Magnets (DS, arc)
Title: LHC BLM Threshold Model for Collimators in IR7 after LS2 (LHC-BLM-ECR-0072) Run 3
Equipment: Collimators (TCPx, TCSx, TCLA)
Title: BLM Threshold Modifications after LS2 due to correction of LSA database bug (LHC-BLM-ECR-0071) Run 3
Equipment: Other